This blog is about life with my husband who was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's and Frontal Lobe Dementia in 2008. He was 64 at the time although now, knowing more about the disease, Alzheimer's was present many, many years ago, which is why early detection is so important. As you read the blog the character "Al" that I created in 2008, represents the way that Alzheimer's is invading our daily lives.
There is an archive tab further down the page that starts from the beginning of our journey.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Living with Bob and "Al"

Sheri needs to learn a new conversation strategy.  twice at church last Sunday, strangers  came up to Bob and started admiring his cane, and tried to make conversation. Both times "Al" could only make it through the niceties, as soon has they got past that, "Al" could not make a sentence that made sense, and the strangers stood there baffled and confused. Sheri has always been able to jump in and cover, reword. or do whatever necessary to avoid embarrassment on either side of the conversation, but this was different some how... because this time Sheri could not figure out what "Al" was trying to say either so translation was not an option. :(


  1. It is upsetting, but in his way Bob is teaching them what Alzheimer's is like. We need more people to see how many "Al"s are all around us so that more people will push for more research. Thank you for your blog, I always like to see the latest adventures and you often make me smile.

    1. Thank you for your feedback Elisa. Thank you for following the blog too. I hope this does not mean someone in your life as this awful disease also.
