Last night
Sheri, Bob and Al
watched the Bucket List
It is about 2 terminally ill guys
that a make a list of things they want to do before they die
Anyway, one guy is able to get the answers from his medical
tests, explaining where his cancer is at , so to speak
well before the other... because he is the owner of the hospital
so he gets the doctor to answer his roomates question
which was "Well I just wanted to know where I am at"
(reffering to the cancer, ...I know a lot of set up here)
So he says to the doctor, " I just want to know where I am at"
Bob turns to me and says "See he doesn't know where he is either" :)
A lucid moment.....well kinda
Review of NexTemp® Go Disposable Thermometer
5 days ago
LOL ... ALMOST a lucid moment!!