This blog is about life with my husband who was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's and Frontal Lobe Dementia in 2008. He was 64 at the time although now, knowing more about the disease, Alzheimer's was present many, many years ago, which is why early detection is so important. As you read the blog the character "Al" that I created in 2008, represents the way that Alzheimer's is invading our daily lives.
There is an archive tab further down the page that starts from the beginning of our journey.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Living with Bob and Al

Sheri is struggling
watching her daughters
choose not be around "Al".
Sheri doesn't blame them
they are still so young just having turned 18 and 20.
What a sad memory to have of your Dad
Daughter number one wears her heart on her sleeve
She told Sheri recently that she already doesn't remember
What her Dad was like before "Al"
Moved in. Sheri's heart was weeping inside.
Daughter number two shields her heart with her sleeve
( she has been spending her summer weekdays at home with "Al" because they only have one car)
even she has felt the pain of seeing her father like this.
Sheri's heart weeps harder inside.....her sleeves are just not big enough.

Psalm 30:5
Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

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