This blog is about life with my husband who was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's and Frontal Lobe Dementia in 2008. He was 64 at the time although now, knowing more about the disease, Alzheimer's was present many, many years ago, which is why early detection is so important. As you read the blog the character "Al" that I created in 2008, represents the way that Alzheimer's is invading our daily lives.
There is an archive tab further down the page that starts from the beginning of our journey.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Living with Bob and Al

Bob and Al were working outside with Sheri
All was well, everyone was merry..

Al steps on a rusty nail,
(oh wait not again hasn't she told this tale?)

No that was the daughter
and her boyfriend story
This time it was Bob and Al
( what is with this familie's feet? Holy moley!)

Bob pulls out  the nail
(truth be told it was a screw, but the rhyme was getting harder)
(Just between me and you :)

Anyway Sheri says "sit down and lets  take a look"
(Sheri's good at this now, standard nursing text book)

Al lifts up his foot and looks it over in detail
 "See I told you" he says " can't see a thing... there is nothing there....."
"You get all excited for nothing, I am fine, I'm not going to Urgent care!"

Sheri is smiling and laughing inside
and then turns to them and say's with a sigh
" it's the OTHER  foot , Al".
Time for tetnus and more
Sheri says "Don't forget your cane"
 as they hobble out the door.......

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